Serenity Services provided by Sarah White, CPN

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Story: How I became a Doula

I was crazy about babies when I was young.  I know everyone goes a little nutty over babies.  Just look at how everyone approaches a new mother and  has to offer advice, or complement the new bundle's cuteness.  I am a true baby freak (but know how to give a little privacy)!  My fascination and joy with new babies was fed by being surrounded by young mothers who would tell their birth stories.

I grew up learning from these stories and by studying nursing text books in junior high (told you I was a baby freak).  No birth story was the same as the last.  Obviously, there were some commonalities  But they were all personal, all different and each one was special.  I couldn't wait to have my own birth story to tell!

I went on to become a Professional Nanny and specifically worked for families with new babies.  By accident I was providing Postpartum Doula services without even knowing the term.  The day I found out about Postpartum and Birth Doulas I did some research.  I wanted to know how I could become one.  Can you imagine?  Attending births and helping new Mom's get settled with their new son or daughter? That would be my dream job!  So I called the Doula business that I found, told them about my background and my interest. But instead of getting off the phone and getting on with this dream career, I was told that I couldn't be a Doula if I hadn't birthed my own child!  Bummer!

I kept working as a Nanny and severals years later found myself pregnant and beginning my own birth story. I had this idea that I knew so much about birth that I would be able to have exactly the experience I wanted. I thought that one of the best ways to ensure I could have the story that I wanted would be to be attended by a Midwife. (She'd be there the whole time, right?)  I had completely forgotten about Birth Doulas or I was trying to cut my costs so much I didn't look into hiring one.  I don't remember which is true anymore.  

My birth story:  Labor began at 3am on Christmas morning and it was turning out to be a significantly snowy day.  I went to the hospital and by the early afternoon family was there to greet grandchild number two.  And he did arrive, he arrived just before midnight on Christmas!  How awesome is that?  

What I remember from my birth was not being ready to be a Mother, feeling alone, and disappointed in the Midwife I thought was going to be there.  Labor was EUPHORIC but I wasn't ready.  The medical system began to encroach on my plan and my defenses where down.  It was not how I wanted my birth story to play out.  And it wasn't because things happened differently.  It was because I felt powerless throughout the process.

Since then, I've done even more research and learning. I found that just the mere presence of a supportive person during labor has significant benefits and I believe that the service of support during labor, once taken on by women in the community, makes all the difference in a family's birth story. And you really don't have to have to be a mother yourself! (But of course, now I am.) 

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the PEP process of becoming a midwife right now, but I think it might be a good idea to become a doula while I'm awaiting an internship with a certified midwife. Thanks for your writing!
