Serenity Services provided by Sarah White, CPN

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hot Topic: Baby Wearing

Every time I go to a Doula training or event I hear about Baby Wearing.  I've even seen this movement at local community events.

I think we are all familiar with baby carriers.  I have used many during my years as a Nanny and I even have a favorite.  There was a time you could find me at the play ground with one child running around, one strapped to my chest and one in utero! (I was nanny to the two who were already born.)  The carrier I used HAD to be comfortable and I was using it for transportation.

The idea or practice of Baby Wearing is something different.  Proponents encourage wearing babies and keeping them close to a caregiver for most if not all of the day.  They say that this encourages bonding between the caregiver (often the parent or parents) and often keeps them close to their food source.  Baby Wearing is also said to provide many other benefits.

The only research I have investigated on Baby Wearing is called Kangaroo Care.  The idea is that babies, though born, are not really ready or equipped to be separated from their significant adults (parents, caregivers, you get the idea).  I was really surprised to see the results of the studies done with preemies!  Babies belong in the "arms" of someone to thrive.

If this is something you are interested in, take some time to get in touch with a Doula or a local Baby Wearing support group like:  I've found that everyone prefers a different type of sling or carrier and it can take some time to find the one that works best for you and your baby.  If you need to utilize that skin to skin contact, a wrap or a sling will work best for you.  If you just want to keep your baby close and your hands free then you can try carriers, wraps, and slings.  Take some time to talk to friends, a Doula, a support group, and try the various options before you buy.  

Here's Another BabyWearing Blog Post

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